Monday, November 14, 2011

My Prayer (If I'm Honest With Myself)

Dear Father,
Thank You for the many blessings
You give me each day.
The food on the table,
Our daily bread
                We’re almost out of bread.
                And while I’m at it
                I’ll get chicken and green beans.
                Maybe I’ll swing by the store after work.
Thank You, Lord, for my job
That meets my needs.
                I need
                To get to the office early
                And finish those reports.
                But wait!
                The plumber is supposed to come at ten.
                I wonder what time that really means.
                It’s always something with this old house.
Thank You, God, for this old house
That keeps us warm and dry.
It is full of so many memories of my family.
Father, bless my family.
Bring us closer together.
                Why doesn’t my mother-in-law like me?
                What more can I do?
Make me a blessing
To everyone I meet.
Give me Your eyes
To see with compassion the needs of others.
Fill me with Your love.
Let it overflow
Onto all I do.
                I have so much to do!
Help me
To find my rest in You.

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